wedding cakes Phoenix

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before You Order Your Wedding Cake

1. How far ahead should I meet with a baker to schedule a cake tasting?

In a pre-covid world, we would say 3-4 months. In a post-covid world, so you know, the foreseeable future, with all the restrictions, dates are going a lot quicker than we’re used to seeing. To be safe, you should reserve your cake 6 months in advance to hold your date to ensure your date is secured. This ensures that if any hiccups pop up, as they tend to do these days, we’ll have time to handle them. Don’t worry, we’re pros at handling hiccups. This could be anything from a shortage of eggs (you know because of the chicken shortage, it’s a thing!), to a venue changing its food handling policy at the last minute. We’ve seen it all. The idea, if we do our job well, is to make sure you don’t even know there’s an issue.

2. How much cake do I need for my guests?

A picture is worth a thousand words (or 192 servings of cake!)
how to cut a round wedding cake
how to cut a sheet cake

3. How many guests should I budget for?

Budget based on your minimum guest count and most bakeries, including Silver Rose, can always add more later (before the wedding). An average safe bet is about $5.00 per guest for the wedding cake.

4. What's the best flavor to order?

This is one of the hardest questions to answer because no matter the answer we give, everyone is still so unsure. The best advice we can give here is from our experience in working with couples, choose what you like. It’s your wedding and your job is not to feed people cake, it’s to enjoy your big day and provide a memorable experience!

We had one could who did their cake tasting and they chose our peanut butter and jelly flavor for their top tier (the smallest cake) because they were afraid that people wouldn’t like it. They went with the safe option for their bottom tier - vanilla. At their wedding, everyone was asking for the PB&J cake because they loved it! It was something new they’d never had before. Plus, who doesn’t love PB&J? It’s great for kids and grownups who love the nostalgic taste in a fancy cake. We ran out of the top tier of PB&J because it was the smallest tier and the bottom, the vanilla, had leftovers.

Moral of the story? Have fun with flavor! Do you want a safe choice? Or do you want a cake that your guests will remember?

5. Should I have my cake delivered or can I pick it up to avoid the delivery charge?

Here at Silver Rose, we do not allow pickups for anything over 2-tiers. We assemble our cakes on-site at the venue of the reception. We get it, weddings are expensive, and you want to save money where you can. This is not a place to skimp. Cakes are not forgiving to transport. It requires experience to move a 3+ tier cake and even then, we hold our breath. So far, so good! No really, we practice.

5 tier wedding cake

These are just the top 5 questions. If you have any other wedding cake questions, we’re here to answer them! You can check out our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to wedding cake questions and more or shoot us a DM on Facebook and we’ll get back to you quickly.